Lexmark Budapest courtesy of Yazmin Zamorategui

Lexmark Budapest

Various events are continuously being held in Lexmark Budapest to support our corporate CSR strategy.

Land and biodiversity

10 million trees

Through the initiative of Lexmark employees and as part of the 10 Million Trees Foundation, Lexmark Budapest Football Team raised funds after each match they played in 2019. By the end of 2020, they finally realised their vision and purchased mature-sized trees and accessories. While being considerate that the new trees would not be invasive to the native ones, they planted ten trees at the Bajor Gizi park just behind the Lexmark Budapest office: four Sorbus aucuparia (madárberkenye), two Tilia platyphyllos (nagylevelű hárs) and four Malus Royalty (royalty díszalma). The trees are being maintained through the contribution of the Office and Green Team and funds from Cookie Fairs. In addition, another team sold used electronics to raise funds and buy more trees, which were then planted at four school gardens. Through the Water to the Trees Project, Lexmark employees also raised funds for certain trees planted in spaces with no water availability and water tanks were needed.

Lexmark Budapest Football Team Tree Planting

Lexmark Budapest 10M trees

Earth Day

In April 2023, Lexmark Budapest's Earth Day celebration consisted of a trash collection activity with TeSzedd!, Hungary's nationwide environmental clean-up campaign, and a sustainable living presentation on the benefits of electric cars and bikes. Employees who arrived by bike, foot, or roller received treats.

Playground restoration

In October 2022, employee volunteers, in cooperation with the Municipality of District XI, restored a playground by removing graffiti, repainting the wooden surfaces, and collecting trash along the walkway.

Lexmark EMEA
South Africa


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Lexmark Budapest organizes several events throughout the year, especially to raise DEI awareness.

Diversity Day

Lexmark Budapest celebrated this year’s Diversity Day with activities facilitated by its Diversity Network Groups (DNGs). GALE Budapest started the event with a presentation that debunked myths surrounding the LGBTQI+ community and emphasized the importance of empathy and support regardless of sexual orientation or identity. This was followed by an African dance workshop and an international taste fair featuring Mexican, Polish, and Hungarian delicacies. The day ended with a workshop facilitated by W@W and LiNKED on Roma employment where the participants discussed the challenges faced by the Roma community and highlighted the need for creating an inclusive environment with equal opportunities for all.

Lexmark joins OPEN Conference

In October 2023, Lexmark Budapest attended the OPEN Conference, an annual international gathering of global leaders, experts, and organizations committed to making an impact on diversity and inclusion. This event is hosted by WeAreOpen, a non-profit organization in Hungary working with other organizations in building an inclusive workplace and culture.


Budapest Pride Parade

July 15, 2023, Lexmark Global Alliance of LGBTQ+ Employees (GALE) Budapest and the Business Services Sector (BSS) by AmCham joined the 28th Budapest Pride March. GALE Budapest also joined the roundtable discussion by BSS on the topic, “Creating a truly inclusive culture,” highlighting how we can better enable LGBTQIA+ affinity groups at the workplace and why it matters.


In January 2023, Lexmark Budapest launched LiNKED Budapest. Its first activity was a panel discussion titled “Success Stories: Learning from Career Pioneers.” In November, LiNKED Budapest also hosted an online and in-person discussion called “Cultivating Inclusivity: Addressing Age-Based Bias in Employment,” highlighting age-based discrimination in the workplace, root causes of ageism, tasks of the affected age group, and actions taken by companies and the government.


Women@Work (W@W) is one of the most active Lexmark Diversity Network Groups globally. W@W is focused on equipping women to be more successful at Lexmark and encouraging women to be a positive influence for change. The Global Speaker Series Event was organized to showcase outstanding women within Lexmark through a face-to-face or virtual interaction with chosen speakers on given relevant topics, like earning and giving trust, feedback and apologizing. Other events have also been organized, such as Gardening in Small Spaces, Manager Roundtable and Book Club.

In August 2022, W@W and GALE met for lunch to encourage allyship and collaboration among Lexmark DNGs.


LexMoms Budapest is a support group for moms, especially those taking their maternity leaves, which, in Budapest, can be up to three years. A lot of good things started in 2020: the quarterly newsletter was created and launched to help stay-at-home moms keep in touch with Lexmark, a series of online roundtable discussions (Moms’ Club) was organized to update moms on Lexmark’s actual performance and discuss other topics useful for stay-at-home mothers, a maternity leaver’s database was created to help managers and moms find each other when a work opportunity arises, and last, a Mom Buddy Network started supporting activities to help returning moms finding their way back to the office world smoothly.


Lexmark Budapest Hiking and Collecting Garbage

Employee commute

Lexmark’s Competence Center in Budapest, Hungary, has bike racks and showers for employees who pedal to work and offers discounted monthly or yearly fares to those who prefer public transportation.

Employee development

Despite the disconnectedness caused by the pandemic lockdowns and work-from-home arrangement in 2020–2021, Lexmark employees found creative ways to keep the Lexmark culture of volunteering and learning through initiative and collaboration. The Skill-Based Volunteering Platform was created, where employees can sign up to become volunteer trainers and list their hard and soft skills and expertise that can bring value to other employees; interested employees can then apply as a trainee in the same platform. This project, although brought on by the pandemic, has shone a light on our employees’ breadth of talent, willingness to help out and active culture of learning—all while encouraging connectedness.

Skill-based Volunteering Program

In 2022, four volunteer employees facilitated training on the following topics: Excel (basic and expert levels) over 15 sessions throughout the year, design and preparation of pages in our internal site, Go.Lexmark, training journey creation within our online training platform, project management, stress management, and motivational skills and time management training.  

Health and well-being

Regularly, Lexmark sends out emails in support of employee mental well-being, reminding us all to slow down, relax and just take time for ourselves. Lexmark Budapest has taken that a step further by designing a Relax Room within the office building. Employees working on location can use the space to take a break, read a book, play games or simply relax in a calming environment.

World Mental Health Day

Lexmark hosted a therapeutic sound bath meditation and breathing workshop to help employees take a break and address stress, anxiety, and mental fatigue. A newsletter with tips on managing mental health and related resources was also shared with all Lexmark Budapest employees.

Office Sports Day

Lexmark Budapest’s Sports Club initiated activities in September 2023 to promote a healthy work-life balance among the employees. Among the activities were a 5-kilomenter run after work from the office to the Kopaszi Dam, a yoga breathing exercise on lunch breaks, table tennis, table football, and poker night.

Dog Day

As pets are currently not allowed in the office, Lexmark Budapest held its Dog Day outdoors in front of the office building. Lexmark dog owners and employees who enjoy being around dogs attended the event. Lexmark family members were also welcome. Some staff from Újpesti Állatmentő Liga, an animal protection organization in Budapest, attended the event, talked about their daily operations and challenges, and shared about their volunteer program.

Lexmark Budapest Sandwiches for the homeless at Menhely Alapítvány (Shelter Foundation)

Volunteering and charitable giving

Lexmark Budapest has been actively involved in the community, with various volunteering and charitable giving activities throughout the year. One such event was donating used clothing and bags to the homeless shelter and kitchen network of Baptist Aid (Baptista Szeretetszolgálat) operating in District X, Budapest, Hungary.

International Women’s Day 2023

Lexmark Budapest donated to the Foundation for the Cure of Breast Cancer, a non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness and providing support to those affected by breast cancer. They offer educational programs and training on prevention, self-examination, and complex examinations. Their work aims to ensure that breast cancer is detected in time and recognized as curable.

Translations and donations for the kids of SOS Children’s Villages Hungary

Lexmark has been a long-time supporter of SOS Children’s Villages Hungary, a non-governmental organisation for child welfare in Hungary since 1983, specifically providing a safe and loving home for children who have lost their parents and protecting vulnerable families from disintegration. In 2022 and 2023, we helped translate and proofread stories of children living in SOS. We also helped print out all their letters to their sponsors. 

Additionally, in February 2023, corporate fundraisers from SOS Hungary visited the Lexmark Budapest site and talked about the Foundation's core activities and special programs, as well as Lexmark's involvement in their work. 

Clothes fair

Lexmark Budapest conducted two clothes fair in 2022 and raised 70000 HUF which was donated to an animal shelter. Over 40 employees donated clothes and participated in both events. The remaining unsold clothes were donated to Cseriti, a nonprofit organisation in Hungary. The organizers plan to continue facilitating this to raise awareness of fast fashion and its effect on our environment and of the three Rs of waste management – reduce, reuse, and recycle.

Support for the Ukranian families

In March 2022, Lexmark Budapest donated clothes, food, and hygiene products to organisations helping Ukrainian families arriving in Budapest. Monetary donations were used to buy warm blankets and clothing. A Lexmark volunteer who organized the donation drive also helped at the airport and rail stations by guiding the refugees as well as translating for them.

Another donation drive was conducted in December where food and warm clothes for women, children, and injured people were donated and distributed in the Subcarpathian region (west of Ukraine). Monetary donations were used to buy hand and foot warmers for Ukrainian defenders.

Sandwiches for the homeless at Menhely Alapítvány (Shelter Foundation)

In 2023, Lexmark employee volunteers prepared and donated 200 sandwich packages for the homeless. Portion of the fund used to buy the ingredients and materials was from the site’s Cookie Fair. Lexmark distributed over 160 meals to the homeless in the previous year. This activity is organized by Lexmark Budapest Office and Green team, a group of volunteers who organize CSR, environmental initiatives, and other social events.

Donation to Anikó Állatotthon

Lexmark employees provided monetary donations and essential items to Anikó Állatotthon, an animal shelter in Budapest. Some of the items included a wheelbarrow, harvester tub, stainless steel bowls, broom, plastic bin, rags, towels, dog shampoo, diapers, and doghouses. Lexmark employee volunteers visited the shelter to bring in-kind donations, clean the shelter, and build doghouses. Lastly, Lexmark Budapest donated a printer to the shelter and helped with its maintenance.

2023 Christmas donation and book swap

Lexmark partnered with MikulásGyár for Lexmark Budapest’s Christmas charity event. Lexmark employees donated non-perishable food, cleaning and hygiene products, and sweets. In addition, employees participated in a book swap where books that remained uncollected were donated.




Resource conservation

Reductions in resource consumption in our Budapest site greatly contribute to our corporate goals.

  2015 2019 2020 2022

Facility level energy (Scope 1 and 2): Operations within organization (gigajoules)





Energy consumption by type/location: Operations within organization (gigajoules) - Electricity (purchased)





Water withdrawal by facility (megaliters)





Water discharge by facility (megaliters): Sanitary Sewer







OFA Low-Budget Special Award

Lexmark Budapest was given the Low-Budget Special Award, a special category, by the Országos Foglalkoztatási Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft. (OFA). The award recognizes companies implementing innovative solutions and responsible employer practices successfully with low budgets. This award recognized Lexmark Budapest’s nominated project, Skill-based Volunteering Program, which is facilitated by employee volunteers who provide soft and hard skills training to colleagues.

Great Place to Work

Lexmark Budapest has been certified as a Great Place to Work for 2023. The certification process is all about getting the pulse of employees and understanding the company's workforce through an anonymous survey and a brief questionnaire. It showcases the enthusiasm and devotion the Budapest employees bring to their work every day and reflects the positive and inclusive culture the team have established over the past 15 years in Hungary.

Top 50 Business Services Executives in Hungary

Gabriella Fodor, Lexmark Budapest Competence Center Managing Director, is among the Top 50 Business Services Executives in Hungary by the Budapest Business Journal.