Environmental management

Lexmark implements ISO 14001:2015 for environmental management systems to provide a framework for managing and improving environmental performance. Lexmark-owned and leased facilities have received ISO 14001:2015 certification. These include all our production locations and some research and development and administration facilities.

All facilities that do not hold ISO 14001:2015 certification attest to standard conformance and adhere to the Lexmark Corporate Environmental, Health and Safety Instructions.

Each Lexmark facility sets site-specific goals for improving its performance within the environmental management system. Environmental goals include reducing energy consumption, improving water conservation, generating less waste, and improving emergency preparedness and response planning. Cross functional teams are established at each major manufacturing and development facility to support these efforts.

All employees and contractors with jobs that can cause significant environmental impacts must take job-specific training. General environmental training is provided to employees on the company-wide education platform.

To reduce negative impacts on the environment, Lexmark has established site-specific pollution prevention plans that encompass compliance with applicable environmental regulations; outline Lexmark's proactive pollution prevention efforts; and address spill prevention, hazardous waste management, recycling, and water quality. These plans cover multiple pollution routes, including discharges to ground, air and water. Pollution prevention plans are in place at all Lexmark-owned manufacturing and research and development facilities worldwide. 

Lexmark did not incur any fines or non-monetary sanctions for noncompliance with environmental laws and regulations in the reporting period. No grievances about environmental impacts were filed through formal grievance mechanisms during the reporting period.

Click here for a full list of ISO 14001:2015 certificates