Health & Safety

Health & safety

Health & safety

The health and safety of our employees is a priority for Lexmark. To offer workplaces that are free from unsafe equipment, situations and practices, we monitor facilities for safety issues on an ongoing basis.

Lexmark implements ISO 45001:2018 for occupational health and safety management systems to provide a framework for controlling occupational health and safety risks and improving health and safety performance. Lexmark-owned and -leased research and development and manufacturing facilities are ISO 45001:2018 certified by an external third party, as is the Shenzhen Asian Customization Center facility. In 2023, certified facilities include those with low to high-risk activities, representing over 70% of Lexmark employees worldwide.

Lexmark employees are involved in setting the objectives for our health and safety management systems. The effectiveness of the Lexmark Safety Program is measured by completion of ISO 45001:2018 objectives and targets, as well as internal audits and senior management reviews. These audits and reviews are conducted in conjunction with the conformance audits required as part of ISO recertification. Findings are used to improve our internal processes and promote best practices across our operations.

Lexmark facilities, including smaller leased administrative and sales offices, are guided by our corporate health and safety instructions, which define the essential programs that each facility must manage to meet the objectives of our environmental health and safety policy. At Lexmark, it is mandatory to develop written programs that ensure legal and regulatory compliance and address safety-critical processes. Changes to health and safety procedures are communicated to applicable employees through bulletin boards, corporate intranet postings, electronic communications, handbooks, and meetings with managers.

Click here for a full list of ISO 45001:2018 certificates.

Click here for more detailed health & safety data.

Programs are put in place at our global sites to target continuous improvement. For example, in Juárez, Mexico, the Siempre Seguro program promotes a zero accident culture. This includes education and awareness on various health and safety topics. Prize programs promote employee participation, different perspectives and new ideas. In addition, safety is part of the performance bonus program which is linked to results of weekly safety audits. In Boulder, Colorado, safety delegates were appointed to promote and monitor health and safety. Cebu, Philippines and Lexington, Kentucky have a targeted focus on laboratory safety. Lexmark sites worldwide participate in OSHA Safe and Sound Week to promote health and safety awareness across the company.

In the United States, Lexmark employees are not represented by trade unions; therefore, no formal work agreements address health and safety. Instead, Lexmark has established health and safety committees at the facility level. The members of these committees represent the interests of all workers; 6% of the total global workforce is represented in formal health and safety committees. The committees are integral to the operation of the health and safety management systems at each facility, monitoring programs, advising on improvements and collecting employee feedback.

Compliance and safety teams conduct audits and perform job hazard assessments on a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis, depending on the task and regional requirements to minimize risk. Ensuring that action items are tracked and completed in a timely fashion, the teams document their findings in the ISO 45001:2018 corrective action system (or similar tool). This approach represents a comprehensive schedule that varies according to the specific requirements and regulations of each geographic region. Corrective action teams work with personnel from the department or area where nonconformities occur to address audit findings, monitor and report on progress and determine whether actions are completed. Follow-up inspections verify completion and effectiveness of the actions taken. Internal audit teams evaluate the function and effectiveness of actions taken to address nonconformities in the Health and Safety Management System. Best practices are then implemented in other areas or sites.

Employees and contractors with jobs that require health and safety training are required to take job specific training annually. General health and safety training is provided periodically to employees company-wide.

Employees are encouraged to report concerns about health and safety issues, including near-miss events. Training requirements are determined by health and safety program managers, as well as employees' direct managers, and are based on job requirements, equipment and materials usage, regulations and other factors. The safety performance of subcontractors is reviewed during initial contract discussions. Subcontractors must have proof that their employees are properly trained and aware of all health and safety aspects of the jobs that they will perform on behalf of Lexmark.

Each Lexmark manufacturing and development facility is required to maintain an emergency preparedness plan as well as an emergency response team. Lexmark complies with applicable local, state and federal regulations for recording and reporting workplace accident statistics. Lexmark continually works toward the goal of an injury-free workplace. The 2023 reportable injury and illness rate calculated using OSHA injury and illness recordkeeping and reporting requirements was 0.15 injuries per 100 full-time employees.1 This is significantly lower than the industry average of 1.1 that includes printer manufacturing.2 Strain injuries were most frequently reported. Minor injuries are excluded from injury rate data. The 2023 annual lost workday rate was 4.5 lost workdays per 100 full-time employees. Confidentiality of workers' personal health-related information is maintained in strict privacy. Lexmark did not have any reported work-related fatalities and did not have any employees involved in occupational activities with high incidence or high risk of specific diseases.

Lexmark does not maintain injury information, injury rate, lost day rate, absentee rate or work-related fatality information for independent contractors working on site.

Reporting locations listed in the Employees Data Dashboard.
Computer terminal and other computer peripheral equipment manufacturing industry average per the Bureau of Labor Statistics 2022 Industry Injury and Illness Summary Data Report.