Product certifications


Multi-attribute environmental standards

Lexmark products are designed to meet or exceed the strict criteria of some of the world’s most prominent standards and certifications. These certifications may require testing, analysis, audit, third-party review, standard declaration or disclosure of business or product information.

ISO 14024Type I environmental labeling
Lexmark has a long history of designing print systems to meet the Blue Angel standard for environmental performance. The Blue Angel ecolabel, which originated in Germany in 1978, is one of the most prestigious environmental certifications worldwide. The Blue Angel criteria are regularly reviewed and revised—the most recent revision being DE-UZ 219, effective since January 1, 2022. For the list of Lexmark models that are Blue Angel certified, click here.

  • Product noise and chemical emissions

    Noise emissions (acoustics)

    Acoustics is the science of sound and its human perception. Designing products for the environment includes consideration for sounds in the workplace. Lexmark’s environmental design is guided by the Blue Angel standard, and devices meet the requirements of DE-UZ 219.

    Lexmark printers offer an ideal combination of efficient performance and quiet operation to enhance comfort in the workplace and to increase productivity. Quiet Mode, featured on many Lexmark products, provides customers with the ability to adjust the sound level of their printer to meet personal preferences.

    Lexmark product engineers assess our equipment acoustics and reduce unwanted noise while selectively incorporating helpful sounds. Many of our Lexmark designed and branded devices meet the auditory requirements of Section 508 of the US Rehabilitation Act as well as ETSI EN 301 549. To further enhance the accessibility of our offerings, Lexmark created the Voice Guidance solution to provide auditory output. The Voice Guidance solution, available on some models, lets individuals with varying levels of ability use a keyboard to control select products and receive auditory feedback. The voice output is amplified to at least 65 dB and is reset automatically after every use to the default volume level. Users can hear voice prompts through the device's built-in speakers or through their own headset.

    Lexmark owns and operates a Blue Angel certified and ISO 17025 accredited test laboratory. This allows us to perform official tests for Blue Angel certification in-house and develop innovative solutions to help reduce unwanted noise and improve the accessibility of our devices. Lab personnel are proficient in test methods for noise emissions under ISO 7779 Sound levels, ISO 532B Zwicker loudness, ISO 9296 declaration, and the Blue Angel ecolabel.

    Chemical emissions

    Laser printers emit low levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) due to the heating of internal components, and they produce small amounts of dust (mostly paper remnants) as paper moves through the printer. Emissions in the workplace are subject to occupational exposure restrictions established by individual countries for specific chemicals.

    Lexmark printers are tested throughout the development cycle according to the protocols of the internationally recognized Blue Angel ecolabel. Emission results for total volatile organic compounds, benzene, styrene, ozone, dust and ultrafine particles are compared to the stringent Blue Angel limits set forth in the standard, and summary reports of Lexmark product emissions are available to customers upon request.

    We perform accredited in-house tests for Blue Angel certification and EPEAT, in our Blue Angel certified and ISO 17025 accredited chemical emission test laboratory. Moreover, frequent trials are conducted to gain a better understanding of emissions sources and solutions for mitigation.

ISO 14021—Type II self-declared environmental claims

The Eco Declaration (ECMA-370) formerly known as IT Eco Declarations, ECMA-370 declarations provide objective and comparable environmental information. Lexmark signed the original "Industry Voluntary Agreement to Improve the Environmental Performance of Imaging Equipment Placed on the European Market" in June 2011, and the updated agreement in April 2015. Manufacturers are required to make product environmental performance data publicly available, such as through The Eco Declaration (ECMA-370). To view Lexmark’s declarations, click here.

Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT)

Lexmark is committed to helping our customers meet their sustainability, energy and resource-efficiency goals by providing products that are environmentally preferable. The EPEAT program recognizes products that meet this qualification. EPEAT uses the IEEE 1680.2 standard. This is the basis for assessing imaging equipment for environmental stewardship. We have registered over 200 of our products with Gold and Silver ratings—the highest ratings available. As part of the EPEAT verification process, audits are conducted by third-party laboratories and an outside certification body to ensure full compliance with the IEEE 1680.2 standard.

EPEAT Climate+

Lexmark has also earned the prestigious status of EPEAT Climate+ Champion from the Global Electronics Council, with dozens of products registered in this internationally recognized sustainability evaluation. In fact, when the registry launched in October 2023, 42 of the 43 listed imaging equipment products were from Lexmark.

EPEAT Climate+ was created for electronics brands to design, manufacture and promote products that reflect their commitment to addressing climate change. Additionally, it's also a means to reach institutional purchasers looking to track their climate change commitments through procurement.

A new revision of EPEAT is under consideration for additional product and corporate criteria. Lexmark is committed to continuing public disclosure and annual reporting as required by EPEAT and has provided an EPEAT Public Declarations table for reference. For a complete list of Lexmark registered products, click here.


Energy standards

Lexmark is committed to designing energy-efficient products and uses ENERGY STAR® requirements for imaging equipment as a guideline when developing products. Launched in 1992, ENERGY STAR is the globally recognized program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy that awards certification to the most energy-efficient models in a product category. The majority of Lexmark products maintain ENERGY STAR qualification year after year. In 2023, 93% of Lexmark-branded products sold held the latest version of the certification. This includes the Lexmark branded acquisition products that meet ENERGY STAR qualifications. For more information on ENERGY STAR and a listing of certified Lexmark products, click here.

EU 2023/826
As part of this regulation, manufacturers are required to post information about the Off modes and Network Standby (“sleep”) modes of products, including the available network connections, the power consumption in sleep mode for each connection and the default timeout to sleep mode. To view Lexmark's declarations of product sleep modes, click here.

ENERGY STAR and the ENERGY STAR mark are registered trademarks owned by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

China Environmental Labeling

Ten Ring Certification
Lexmark is committed to designing products that meet the environmental aspects included in the voluntary certification, Ten Ring. Some of these aspects are materials restrictions, reduced energy consumption, limited chemical emissions and end of life.