Commitment to Employees

Human rights

Lexmark’s commitment to human rights is outlined in our Global Human Rights Policy and in the Lexmark Code of Business Conduct, which is available in 15 different languages. These policies address nondiscrimination, workplace safety, child labor, forced labor and human trafficking, working hours and minimum wages, and freedom of association and collective bargaining. We are committed to providing a work environment free from harassment or discrimination based on race, color, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, or for any other unlawful violation. This policy is driven by our respect for the dignity of the individual and our commitment to treating all persons equitably.

We investigate all credible complaints of discrimination brought to the attention of management in an expedient and non-retaliatory manner. Any employee who is found to have engaged in harassment or discrimination according to the terms of this policy, or to have misused their position of authority in this regard, is subject to immediate disciplinary measures, up to and including dismissal. We are committed to public reporting; however, due to reasons of individual privacy and legal limitations, we cannot disclose information about specific cases. Actions taken in response to incidents include the review of the incident as well as the development and implementation of remedial plans.

We uphold the human rights of our employees and treat them with respect as understood by the international community. We closely monitor our operations to ensure that our company complies with international regulations. We have never been cited for any human rights violations, including the rights of indigenous employees or communities near existing operations that are likely to be affected by planned or proposed future operations.

We maintain a good reputation worldwide by ensuring that our practices positively impact the communities where we live and work. 100% of our global security personnel has received training on Lexmark's policies and procedures for human rights issues and their application to security. This includes contractors and third-party organizations providing security services. Employees are trained on policies and procedures that prepare them to address human rights in the course of their daily work.

An estimated 12,500 hours were devoted to training global employees on human rights issues, accounting for 99% of the global workforce in 2023.

human rights

Lexmark respects the conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO), which promote workers' rights, fair-employment opportunities, and open channels of communication among employees. We honor our employees’ free choices and comply with all state and federal workplace laws and guidelines, including those associated with labor-organizing activities. Works councils are established at some Lexmark European locations that require employers to provide company information for review and to engage in worker consultation on certain company decisions. Information on the European Works Councils is available at Our employees are covered by collective bargaining agreements where required by law, including 2% of the total workforce. At Lexmark, there has never been a situation where employee rights to exercise freedom of association for collective bargaining has been at risk.

Other ILO and United Nations Global Compact initiatives include the abolition of forced labor, freedom of association, and prohibition of child labor. These initiatives are explained in the Lexmark Code of Business Conduct, to which Lexmark and applicable Lexmark suppliers are bound. The Code of Business Conduct also describes the Lexmark Freely Chosen Employment Policy. Our periodic reviews have never found any of our operations to have significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labor, child labor, or young workers exposed to hazardous work. All Lexmark operations have undergone human rights review or human rights impact assessments in accordance with Lexmark's adherence to the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct and Lexmark's Code of Business Conduct.

We contract a portion of our global workforce through third party organizations. Contingent workers are selected for short timeframe projects, specialized or niche skill positions and in areas of varied workload. 

Lexmark has historically relied on open communication between workers and management to prevent and resolve workplace issues. Whenever possible, we provide employees with a 30-day notice of significant operational changes that can substantially affect them. In locations with collective bargaining agreements, the notice period and provisions for consultation and negotiation are specified in the collective agreements. Grievance mechanisms, including our ethics/whistleblowing hotline and direct reporting to management, legal, internal audit or human resources, are available for reporting issues on human rights and labor practices such as forced labor, child labor and human trafficking. No grievances about human rights impacts have been filed through formal grievance mechanisms in the reporting period.

Equal employment opportunity

Lexmark is proudly an Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action employer. We are committed to equal employment opportunity (EEO) in all areas of our operations. All business activities and employment-related activities are administered without regard to race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, age or veteran status. For more information, click here

New Lexmark employees are required to understand and abide by the Code of Business Conduct, which addresses EEO and aspects of human rights relevant to our operations. All employees are required to review the Code of Business Conduct every year. We require managers to be trained on the human rights aspects of EEO policies.

