Human rights policy

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Lexmark International, Inc. and its subsidiaries (“Lexmark”) work with suppliers, partners and customers in over 170 countries. Lexmark is committed to protecting the rights of our employees and those of our suppliers and partners by complying with the local laws in each geography. Lexmark upholds and respects international human rights standards as reflected in The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations Global Compact, the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the International Labor Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (ILO) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development for Multinational Enterprises (OECD). Our support for these standards/principles is embedded in our Code of Business Conduct, our position on labor relations and our employment practices. All of our business operations as well as partner and supplier relationships are guided by these principles. We inspect for compliance through our management processes including operations reviews, risk management and internal audit.

Our people

People are at the core of any successful enterprise. Lexmark’s first priority is the health and safety of our employees around the world. We apply employee health, safety and emergency preparedness standards that meet or in most cases exceed regulatory requirements. We strongly believe that every employee should be treated with respect and dignity. We are committed to protecting workers’ rights including minority groups and women, as well as the rights of indigenous peoples. Our employee Code of Business Conduct and human resources practices reflect our firm commitment to providing a workplace that is safe, inclusive and ethical. Lexmark respects freedom of association and freely-chosen employment. There is no forced labor, prison labor and/or indentured labor, or child labor. All employees must meet the minimum age requirement set by local laws. We provide fair performance-based compensation and offer opportunities for our employees to build rewarding careers. The benefits and assistance we offer as an employer are aimed at helping our people have a healthy work-life balance. Lexmark continually strives to create an environment free from discrimination of minority groups and women. We do not tolerate harassment or discrimination and actively support the anti-discrimination laws and regulations of every nation, state and city in which business is conducted. All employees are provided information and ongoing training on topics such as employee equal opportunity and workplace harassment; they must also sign off on the Code of Business Conduct. Employees are required to take annual training, where required by law. Lexmark respects and protects human rights. There are processes in place to identify, monitor, prevent and mitigate human rights abuses. These processes are created to enable accountability and remediation when needed.

Our supply chain and distribution channels

Lexmark references the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct to set standards for our vendors throughout our supply chain. The RBA Code of Conduct covers ethics, environmental conditions, labor standards and worker health and safety. The RBA Code of Conduct is based on recognized standards and principles including the ILO and the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights while maintaining a focus on our industry and applicable local laws and regulations.

Lexmark’s high standards for human rights and sustainable business practices are manifested in our supplier and partner relationships not only in the manufacturing of Lexmark products but also in the sourcing of supplies that carry the Lexmark brand name. In addition, parties that conduct business on our behalf by selling and servicing Lexmark technology are expected to manage their businesses with the same high ethical standards and respect for human rights.

Our communities and stakeholder engagement

Corporate citizenship and respect for human rights extend into the communities where Lexmark employees live and work and where our brand is represented and visible. We respect laws, customs and the highest standards of labor practices in the countries in which we operate, ensuring alignment with our own standards and Code of Business Conduct, which meets or exceeds the requirements dictated by local laws and regulations. We are committed to engaging with stakeholders in those communities to ensure that we understand and are taking their views into account as we conduct our business.

Tonya Jackson
Senior Vice President, Chief People Officer