ESG materiality & stakeholder engagement

Lexmark carried out a global double materiality assessment1 for the first time for our 2023 report. This process enabled us to determine where our stakeholders place the highest priority on Lexmark’s environmental, social, governance topics and their impact on the environment and society while considering the financial health of the business to ensure sustainability and profitability are in alignment with our ESG goals. Our efforts included the engagement of global participation from 30 categories of internal and external stakeholders. This prioritization was further assessed with consideration of positive and negative risks as well as opportunities, previous materiality assessments, positve and negative impacts and financial perspectives. This analysis was balanced to maintain alignment with our vision and values and has been guided by information and concepts from international ESG reporting standards.

Our assessment included a survey to stakeholders. The survey confirmed strong alignment across internal and external stakeholders in the prioritization of ESG material topics. Environmental compliance was prioritized very high with business continuity/risk management, supply chain transparency, ethics and customer health and safety following. The top five prioritized topics are in the center of the diagram with the following priorities in the outer circles. We intend to assess our materiality annually.


Stakeholder engagement

We value our stakeholders’ opinions and feedback. Stakeholder engagement is fundamental to determining our direction, and identifying impacts and associated prevention and mitigation plans, not only as a business but also as a global corporate citizen. Some of our stakeholder categories are employees, customers, suppliers, local communities, regulators/ legislators, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). We regularly seek feedback from our stakeholders. This collaboration is key to making informed and meaningful business decisions. There are varying forms and frequency of engagement, Some examples are: biannual employee surveys, employee forums, customer face to face meetings, trade shows, technical support center calls, Analyst and press feedback, conference participation, partnerships, market research assessments, government and regulatory standards and briefings and global industry group and trade association participation.


Industry and association affiliations

Lexmark is active in many associations and advocacy organizations, playing a significant role in groups such as: Information Technology Industry Council, Digital Europe, Global Electronics Council, Manufacturing Leadership Council, Index Juárez, and Electronic Products Stewardship Canada.

  • Click here to see more of Lexmark's industry and other association memberships/affiliations.
    • Alliance Française des Industries du Numérique (AFNUM)
    • Asociación de empresas de electrónica, tecnologías de la información, telecomunicaciones y contenidos digitales (AMETIC)
    • American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
    • Arbor Day Foundation
    • Australian Information Industry Association (AIIA)
    • Bundesverband Informationswirtschaft, Telekommunikation und neue Medien (BITKOM)
    • Business Imaging Association of Australia (BIAA)
    • Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)
    • Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose (CECP)
    • Chemical Watch (CW)
    • Climate Impact Partners
    • Deutsches Institut für Normung (DIN)
    • Electronics Product Stewardship Canada (EPSC)
    • Employers and Manufacturers Association (Asia Pacific)
    • European Remanufacturing Council (founding member)
    • Fédération des Industries Electriques, Electroniques et de Communication (FIEEC) 
    • Gartner
    • Global Electronics Council (GEC)
    • GreenBiz Executive Network
    • Information Technology Association of Canada (ITAC)
    • Information Technology Industry Council (ITI)
    • IT-BPO Tripartite Council (Department of Labor and Employment, Philippines)
    • ITI Environmental Leadership Council
    • Manufacturing Leadership Council
    • Maquiladora association (Index Juárez)
    • Mid-America Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce
    • National Sanitation Foundation (NSF)
    • Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) -formerly Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC)
    • Responsible Minerals Initiative
    • Sodalitas
    • Sustainability 50
    • U.S. Chamber of Commerce
    • United Nations Global Compact
    • University of Kentucky Center for Sustainable Manufacturing
    • University of Kentucky Office of Technology Commercialization

1 Double materiality assessment refers to the process of evaluating ESG issues from both a financial and societal impact perspective.